Source code for sklearn_instrumentation.instruments.statsd

from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
from functools import wraps

from statsd import StatsClient

from sklearn_instrumentation.instruments.base import BaseInstrument
from sklearn_instrumentation.types import Estimator

[docs]class StatsdTimer(BaseInstrument): r"""Instrument which times function calls with statsd. ``dkwargs`` can contain a ``prefix`` field which gets prefixed to the statsd timer label. :param statsd.StatsClient client: A statsd client :param bool enumerate\_: Whether to enumerate multiple instances of the same estimator type by appending the qualname with "-N" where N is the count of estimator types found in the estimator hierarchy """ def __init__(self, client: StatsClient, enumerate_: bool = False): self.client = client self.enumerate = enumerate_ self.enumerations = defaultdict(list) def __call__(self, estimator: Estimator, func: Callable, **dkwargs): if self.enumerate: key = str(sorted({**dkwargs, "func": func}.items())) try: idx = self.enumerations[key].index(func) except ValueError: idx = len(self.enumerations[key]) self.enumerations[key].append(func) suffix = f"-{idx}" else: suffix = "" client = self.client prefix = dkwargs.get("prefix", "") if prefix != "": prefix = prefix + "." label = prefix + func.__qualname__ + suffix @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with client.timer(label): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper