PyInstrument Instruments

To use PyInstrument instrumentation, install with the pyinstrument extra:

pip install sklearn-instrumentation[pyinstrument]

Example usage:

from sklearn_instrumentation import SklearnInstrumentor
from sklearn_instrumentation.instruments.pyinstrument import PyInstrumentProfiler

profiler = PyInstrumentProfiler()
instrumentor = SklearnInstrumentor(instrument=profiler)

        "profiler_kwargs": dict(interval=0.001),
        "text_kwargs": dict(show_all=True, unicode=True, color=True),
        "html_dir": "../htmlprof/",
), y)

Example output (partial):


  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 00:41:19  Samples:  45
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 0.322     CPU time: 1.617
/   _/                      v3.2.0

Program: /Users/user/projects/sklearn-instrumentation/examples/

0.322 wrapper  sklearn_instrumentation/instruments/
└─ 0.320 _fit  sklearn/decomposition/
   ├─ 0.314 _fit_truncated  sklearn/decomposition/
   │  ├─ 0.287 inner_f  sklearn/utils/
   │  │  └─ 0.285 randomized_svd  sklearn/utils/
   │  │     ├─ 0.249 inner_f  sklearn/utils/
   │  │     │  └─ 0.246 randomized_range_finder  sklearn/utils/
   │  │     │     ├─ 0.151 lu  scipy/linalg/
   │  │     │     │  ├─ 0.140 [self]
   │  │     │     │  └─ 0.010 asarray_chkfinite  numpy/lib/
   │  │     │     ├─ 0.052 inner_f  sklearn/utils/
   │  │     │     │  └─ 0.052 safe_sparse_dot  sklearn/utils/
   │  │     │     ├─ 0.026 qr  scipy/linalg/
   │  │     │     │  └─ 0.025 safecall  scipy/linalg/
   │  │     │     └─ 0.016 [self]
   │  │     ├─ 0.028 svd_flip  sklearn/utils/
   │  │     │  ├─ 0.016 argmax  .ignore/<__array_function__ internals>:2
   │  │     │  │  └─ 0.016 argmax  numpy/core/
   │  │     │  │     └─ 0.016 _wrapfunc  numpy/core/
   │  │     │  │        └─ 0.016 ndarray.argmax  .ignore/<built-in>:0
   │  │     │  └─ 0.012 [self]
   │  │     └─ 0.009 dot  .ignore/<__array_function__ internals>:2
   │  │        └─ 0.009 implement_array_function  .ignore/<built-in>:0
   │  ├─ 0.020 var  .ignore/<__array_function__ internals>:2
   │  │  └─ 0.020 var  numpy/core/
   │  │     └─ 0.019 _var  numpy/core/
   │  │        ├─ 0.012 ufunc.reduce  .ignore/<built-in>:0
   │  │        └─ 0.007 [self]
   │  └─ 0.004 mean  .ignore/<__array_function__ internals>:2
   │     └─ 0.004 mean  numpy/core/
   │        └─ 0.004 _mean  numpy/core/
   │           └─ 0.004 ufunc.reduce  .ignore/<built-in>:0
   └─ 0.006 _validate_data  sklearn/
      └─ 0.006 inner_f  sklearn/utils/
         └─ 0.006 check_array  sklearn/utils/
            └─ 0.006 array  .ignore/<built-in>:0
class sklearn_instrumentation.instruments.pyinstrument.PyInstrumentProfiler[source]

Instrument which prints pyinstrument output after function calls.

A new profiler is instantiated for each function call. After calling, profiling output is enabled by default, can be disabled if dkwargs.text_kwargs is set to None. Profiling html output is created if dkwargs.html_dir is passed.

When instrumenting, dkwargs has two keys which contain profiler configuration.

  • profiler_kwargs: kwargs passed to Profiler.__init__()

  • text_kwargs: kwargs passed to Profiler.output_text()

  • html_kwargs: kwargs passed to Profiler.output_html()

  • html_dir: location for saving html output

HTML output is created by enumerating instrumentations. The enumeration can be reset manually using the reset method.


Reset the instrumentation enumeration counter to 0.