Source code for sklearn_instrumentation.instruments.memory_profiler

from import Callable
from functools import wraps

from memory_profiler import profile

from sklearn_instrumentation.instruments.base import BaseInstrument
from sklearn_instrumentation.types import Estimator
from sklearn_instrumentation.utils import get_name

[docs]class MemoryProfiler(BaseInstrument): """Instrument which measures memory usage over function calls. Uses the ``memory-profiler`` library. Outputs line-by-line memory usage for instrumented function. ``dkwargs`` are passed to the ``memory_profiler.profile`` function decorator. """ def __call__(self, estimator: Estimator, func: Callable, **dkwargs): name = get_name(estimator, func) @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): print(name) return profile(func, **dkwargs)(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper